Equilibrium Institute- Delivering Core Intelligence

Apathy is not consent, it's the demand for Empowerment  

The Evolution of War and Peace (rev2 For Official Use 8/7/22)

by Rob Jackson (Paralegal -MA/SP MJR, PSY Candidate PhD Public Policy, Principal Investigator @Lighthouse)

Transitioning War and Pollution Enterprises

The U.S.’s former democracy (pre 911) is arguably fast becoming a distant dream. Is the corrosive tribalism dictatorship we see appearing in the U.S. due to a trade for security gone awry? Erosions of quality of life, weakened privacy, restricted protest rights being met with increased militarized police responses are raising international alarm- even condemnation by respectable adversaries. Dissolving lines between political parties, corporations, and the dwindling care of people in many western nations are presenting the warning signs of a wider shift of empire expansionism ending and wealth concentration politics souring that have very consequential costs to those caught in the crossfires. Some critiques contend the global elite are on the verge of rationalizing genocides against it’s own populations, particularly the growing poor. Others suggest policies against the poor are nothing new- just more of the same and less territory available as the world markets simply continues to diversify in competing interests as competition heats up and concentrating wealth becomes increasingly difficult to achieve.  The question that permeates the matter of such changing times- will the new bosses be better or more fair to the people at the bottom than those before or will it be more worker owned and shared and which languages and currencies will prevail?

Growing genocidal patterns within diverse cultures and governments is noted (Stanton, G., 2020). With advances in Chemical, Nuclear, Biological, Radioactive, Psychological, and Technological Directed Energy Weapons, the notion that war or even the industrial revolution can continue on earth as is- is nonsensical and impractical for many reasons- namely the limits and status of non-renewables and the rates of destruction due to consumptive and contamination related behavior i.e. pollution. To protect innocent civilians, military institutions and all related business activities connected to war engineering or gross pollution production could and should be transitioned to clean energy efforts and replacement strategies to demonstrate and solve conflicts without risking major disruptions to life and delicate biosphere, including space. Delicate systems like the moon and sun must be deemed safeguarded with rigorous controls to limit chain reactions that could cause earth to undergo irreversible harms. This reduction of humanities most toxic and lethal waste problems is anticipated to lower losses of life and diversity dramatically in the Milky Way. New methods are needed to play out the posturing of superiority for those caught up in vying for control or dominance because Toxic Accumulation accelerated by war and dirty industries threatens the ability to sustain life, under any system, due to exhaustible natural limits on earth. In simple terms, there are natural equilibriums that are delicate on earth. To more freely enjoy life clean air and water are essential in maintaining healthy biomes and harmonic patterns in nature as observed by ecologists, naturalists, sociologists and others for the last several hundred years on earth.

The man made preventable problem of Toxic Accumulation is bad for the evolution of all life. Toxins destroy genetics and are proven to be a causes of diseases and weakening habitats. Military activities globally are of particular interest as candidates for increased oversite and reasonable controls due to steep escalations in collateral damages to civilian populations as wars spread and intensify globally. New technologies are being increasingly tested and used. Soldiers themselves are also predicted by the U.S. Air-Force to be encountering Directed Energy Weapons, so the U.S. Airforce has already begun researching the effects of long and short term impacts on users and “potential collateral damage” (Holstein P., 2017).  Citizens globally including politicians and intelligence officers have issued complaints of alleged attacks and prompted investigations about the uses or various new technologies including advanced germ warfare.

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) are here- increasingly driven by Artificial intelligence and already firing at the speed of light (GlobalData Thematic Research 2021).

Many Behavioral Scientists have proven violence as a form of behavior modification lends itself to propelling the cycles of violence (Maag,1999) and merely furthers undesirable behavioral patterns in both perpetrators and in the victims traumatized by violence (Zeoli, A, Pizarro, J., Grady, S. Melde, C., 2012).

Historically, war is commonly explained as a destructive power tool of manipulation that attempts to place profits from the earth’s resources over people. Economic destabilization increased by War activities is not an effective deterrent to war since reducing populations can be, and perhaps has been in some cases- equated to furthering the concentration of wealth. The age of manufacturing war simply to generate reconstruction contracts aligned with expansionist plans has long been among modern nation States play-books. Recent U.S military campaigns, such as Desert Storm (Iraq) and later ongoing wars in various Middle Eastern locations, used false flags and unreliable even possibly falsified intelligence reports to motivate the support for driving the killing of hundreds of thousands of soldiers or other alleged terrorist threats. To combat this unfathomable notion of insatiable greed and gross errors in the use of military power, reasonable checks and balances for any and all war based activities, including weapons development, testing, and rising use of drone kill lists must be controlled by adequate oversite. War funding, war research and supporting war globally must be vigorously and vigilantly scrutinized and audited to prevent abuse and deter the unnecessary use of excessive force, especially when alternate nonviolent options exist to resolve conflicts.

Lessons Learned 911

·        The codification of secrecy should include necessary and sufficient checks and balances to prevent tyranny and the erosion of existing laws.

·        Update the USA’s standing with the International Criminal Court to become a more cooperative actor.

·        Institutionalize the Department of Peace utilizing eliminated tax loop holes funds such as “carried interests” and use those funds to drive diplomacy and nonviolent solutions to limit and prevent wars and corruption generally. Allow tax payers to cap war tax contributions based on their right to consciously object to war to honor their religious or faith based traditions to end the discrimination forcing complicity with War and possible related war crimes.


Revise the definition of terrorist included in the law Section 412 be revised to exclude subjective phases such as “dangerous to human life…if the act involves intimidation or coercion.” It is recommended a substantial evidence bar showing legitimate planning of or execution of terrorist acts should be considered for replacement language that is a more fair, more universal, and more precise for assessing terrorist threat responses.

Recent Breaches in Informed Research Consent

Research that causes death or is disabling to people is considered unethical by Nuremburg Code, yet still occurs all over the world. After reviewing countless credible sources in a background literature review on the subject of harmful secrete research on humans, the information alleges that hundreds of thousands of troops, former inmates, women, and research volunteers across social strata, but consisting mostly of poorer people of color, the disabled and even babies were illegally used in human experiments involving some of the most toxic substances on earth (Welsome, E.,1993).

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States extracted 5/13/22).

The U.S government and various institutions including universities, hospitals, mental health facilities, prisons, private drug makers, private food manufacturers, private insecticide and herbicide companies and the U.S. military, CIA, and many other US institutions are implicated as allegedly violating the oath’s of office by conducting illegal research on human subjects without their informed consent largely from the 1950-1980’s- and likely continues. Having disregarded protections cited in the U.S. Constitution (8th and 14th Amendment) Nuremberg Code and other rules such as National Research Act (1974) those institutions all grossly violated the public’s trust. A lack of accountability and inadequacies of protecting people by those groups entrusted most to do so (doctors, business leaders and law enforcement) is likely to continue unless serious reforms happen concerning the enforcement of informed consent/disclosure rules and the strength of Institution Review Boards or proper oversite with more adequate controls and consequences for violators. Despite overwhelming evidences of violations for inhumane research and improper risk disclosures committed against research victims there are strikingly few instances of accountability on record.

In some instances entire cities were in dangerous secret tests and in several instances the victims were in different counties being performed under the guise of humanitarian aide. Most illegal activities were uncovered after decades long investigations and the unsealing of records ordered by watchdogs and sympathetic judges which is a common phenomenon in many industries where corruption is rampant. In some cases damning information accidently found or uncovered implies the extent of what remains unknown about human test subjects harmed without their consent is likely far broader and more common than what is known and documented. This is especially true in the modern age as an increasing number of projects are being transferred into private contracting activities that are becoming the face of modern contractor based armies globally. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States#1940s).

Understanding How Violations/ Accidents Occur Due to Cultural Phenomenon like Obedience

In situations the Spanish inquisition is not expected, or when people think they are above the law, perhaps due to exemptions, status, or delusions they tend to simply do what they want and go to great depths to rationalize even violence. This is not especially hard to understand when you understand the role of dehumanization and the ability of people to dissociate in scenarios where blame is dismissed or transferred thru chains of command and obedience is acquired and even demanded at scales such as punishment including death (see mutiny 10 US code 894 Art.94. or 15 other crimes covered in Military Code of Justice). Therefore soldiers outranked should not be expected to disobey their commanding officers in their service of God and Country. In consideration of those legal facts, safer (retaliation free) whistle blower avenues must be erected where constitutional/legal/ethical problems are possible to elevate by oversite bodies not motivated to suppress or ignore problems.

Conclusions of what lead to contributing key variables of a worsening Nuclear accident at Fukashima Nuclear Power facility in Japan included a key observation by the lead investigator pinpointing sheer obedience as a culprit of silence thru the ranks in multiple instances. Even where tragedy or death could be minimized, the Nuclear plant workers in Japan followed a chain of command. According to a special commission independent report for Japan’s Parliament, not one person dared to get information out or to go around a roadblock in the chain that command despite numerous opportunities during the chain event of failures that happened before and during the nuclear accident that the managing scientists were aware of ways to reduce risks or contain the problems better (Kurokawa, K. 2012.)


·        Creating critically thinking soldiers able to safely report concerns to prevent scenarios of disobedience, or breaches, is as important if not more important than demanding strict obedience.

Electromagnetic, Radioactive and Ultra Sonic Directed Energy Weapons-(DEW’s)

The research, use, and impacts of various classes of DEW’s should draw serious alarm and careful scrutiny. Bill Kahn, technology expert, reported research using sound as a weapon stems back to Nazi Germany developments of the Luftkanon. Mr. Khan and others allege median alpha-rhythm 7 hz impacts the heart and brain activity can be dangerous to humans (Guzas, R. 2009). In the context of occupational health, researchers Smagowska and Pawlaczyk-Luszczynska (2013) cite the harms Ultrasound sound frequencies within specific ranges can make including; hearing loss, annoyance, tinnitus, headache, fatigue and nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms are attributed with lowering workers production effectiveness.

Increasing Reports of Electromagnetic Attacks at Home and Abroad

In 2020, a study on Havana syndrome by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine concluded that the more than 130 victims experienced some real physical phenomena, and that the cause was most likely some form of electromagnetic radiation (Boyd, I .2021). A legal matter is being represented by Attorney Mark Zaid whom is representing members of the intelligence community with their claims that involve alleged damages from suspected directed weapons attacks. Further still there are growing reports of physical attacks from unidentified flying objects (UFO’s) globally. With scant regulatory enforcement of drones and a variety of Electronic weapons entering markets- even commercial private markets, it is creating confusion surrounding the regulatory agencies jurisdictional responsibilities and rights of the public concerning these devices. Victims today-absent a responsive infrastructure argue violations involving electronic weapons are not being taken seriously enough and are not being properly investigated by local police- whom may be ill equipped to investigate this growing problem.

Use of Electronic Military Grade Weapons by Police and Stored Near Private Residences

CNN recently reported “ Several law enforcement agencies in California, Oregon and Colorado have received long-range acoustic devices, or LRAD’s, which blast a painful wall of sound at protesters and have been used by some police departments against recent protests” (Hernandez & Tolan 2020). The radius of such weapons is an estimated 5 miles. It is reasonable to conclude accidents during training or live situations for such weapons in close proximity to civilians can present substantial risks due to the fact we know humans are error prone (Bogner,M. 2003). Many voices are rising to protest the use of such weapons against citizens exercising first Amendment rights.

Since US Military may freely give military equipment to police agencies nationwide, the question concerning use of the new machines on civilians becomes a concern. The crowd control directed weapons and drone technologies combined with the training changes reportedly occurring in domestic policing have reset the stage for even peaceful protests to get interrupted and deteriorate into riots with rises in fatalities in what ordinarily would be minor injuries if using less violent tactics to control crowds when needed.


·        Re-examine the rules of engagement for civilian populations in protest scenarios.

·        Follow the banned chemicals Geneva Conventions.

·        Reconsider the previous recommendations to reform policing in the USA made by the Equilibrium Institute.


·        Reform the rules around the equipment sharing nationwide between the military and police organizations.

For longer article/ more extensive references see: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evolution-war-collateral-damages-rob-jacksonspecial-major-jackson/


Bogner, M. (2003) p.9. Error is behavior, A.P.A. Washington D.C:

Psychological science agenda.

Boyd, I. Sept 17, 2021. https://theconversation.com/directed-energy-weapons-shoot-painful-but-non-lethal-beams-are-similar-weapons-behind-the-havana-syndrome-167318#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20a%20study%20on,some%20form%20of%20electromagnetic%20radiation. retrieved 6/12/22

GlobalData Thematic Research May 27th. 2021 (https://www.aerospace-technology.com/comment/directed-energy-counter-drone/ retrieved 6/12/22)

Gužas, R. 2009.ISSN 1392-2114 ULTRAGARSAS (ULTRASOUND), Vol. 64, No. 3, 2009. 34 Infrasound hazards for the environment and the ways of protection Viršilas Šiauliai University Vilnius str. 141, Šiauliai, Lithuania.

Hernandez S.& Tolan C. 2020. 6/17/2020. CNN retrieved 7/3/22 w/links to sources embedded in article.

Holstein P., 2017. Nov. 8th. Directed Energy Weapons Research A New Frontier for Air Force Medicine. US Air Force.


Kurokawa, K. 2012. Fukashima in a Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission. Nation Diet of Japan: Japan.

Maag, J. (1999). Behavior management, San Diego: Singular Publishing.

Smagowska and Pawlaczyk-Luszczynska (2013). Effects of Ultrasonic Noise on the Human Body, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 19:2, 199-202 DOI:10.1080/10803548.2013.11076978 https://doi.org/10.1080/10803548.2013.11076978

Stanton, Gregory (2020). "The Ten Stages of Genocide". Genocide Watch. Archived from the original on 14 May 2020.

Thorne K. & Kouzmin, A. (2010.) The USA Patriot Acts:Convergent Legislation and Oligarchic Isomorphism in the Politics of Fear and State Crimes Against Democracy. American Behavioral Scientist 53 (6) 885-920 Sage. DOI 10:1177/00002764209353280 Downloaded Walden University Feb. 6, 2015.

Welsome, E. 1993, November 15th. The Plutonium Experiment The Albuquerque Tribune . Retrieved 7/3/22.

Zeoli, A, Pizarro, J., Grady, S. Melde, C., (2012). Homicide as an infectious disease: using public health methods to investigate the diffusion of homicide. Justice Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2012.732199

Gary Webb A Hero’s Remembrance

Pulitzer winning investigative journalist, Gary Webb, exposed the cocaine epidemic in his series titled, “Dark Alliance” (San Jose Mercury News, 1996). Gary later reportedly shot himself in the head- twice in 2004. A movie made about Garry was directed by Michael Cuesta in 2014- “Kill the Messenger”.

Gary’s story alleged Cocaine was shipped in large quantities to the U.S. in the 1980’s to help raise money to fund U.S. war activities. The movie titled “Freeway: Crack in the System” about Rick Ross highlights this story as does Gary’s book Dark Alliance.

The Crack epidemic that ensued during the 80’s in the U.S. later led to 3 strikes laws that ruined the lives of millions of people. According to Gary, the U.S. government was raising money to back various right wing rebel groups collectively called “Contras” in Nicaragua (1979-80’s) whom were hired to combat the Socialist Sandinista government. Oliver North, former U.S. Marine Colonel confessed to having sold weapons to Iran to fight the Contra’s.

The U.S. had interests in Nicaragua’s natural resources and was trying to undermine the European finance system. Nicaragua was regarded important to the U.S. so that a canal could be built in the Isthmus, for trade purposes. Ultimately the canal project was abandoned. This fact made the war and tens of millions of lives ruined by Cocaine and estimated 30,000 killed in Nicaragua’s armed conflict between right wing factions and the Sandinista’s pointless. Today the Socialist Sandinista’s still rule. The implications of the arms sold by Oliver North to Iran are inconclusive.

Gary Webb, native of Corona, CA, is honored for his bravery and for exposing the atrocities of war and for his attempt to hold those responsible accountable thru public opinion, despite numerous attempts to discredit his work from his opponents.

Palm is an ancient symbol of martyrdom, peace, and eternal life found in many traditions. We bestow upon his memory this artwork to reflect his victory of spirit over flesh. Thank you Mr. Webb.

Introducing Lighthouse’s Principal Investigator:

Rob Jackson MA/Paralegal Multimedia Artist and Phd Candidate leads collective based projects uniting people from all walks. His teams products include songs, fine and commercial art, investigative press on social justice and environmental issues, workforce development and wellness.

Sustainable nonviolent solutions are abundant yet statistics continue to show massive declines in habitat, wildlife, and other worsening quality of life issues. Inequality, disease, war, and other social threats are on the rise in many places in the world. Rob Jackson said, "The need for change and intelligent questions and innovation are what fuels progress. Apathy, the enemy of progress, is a demand for empowerment." Nonviolent revolution to combat corruption of self and/or society is critical. To achieve success, we need good parenting, supportive social structures, proper health care and other developmental growth opportunities for the individual to reach their full potential. Sustainable opportunities and reinforcing human equality are central ingredients for measuring and creating success on earth. Harmony overall is a basic requirement for peace. Understanding interdependencies and learning to share and work together for practical solutions is what this periodicals built for.

Solutions will be shared in Lighthouse featured articles along with highlights of other community leaders spotted for sharing the light and leading the way.

Rob's new indie rock music label, Noise, sells art and music to create more opportunities for artists and film-makers working with him to make a difference.

Rob’s reached over one million people with sponsors like; Sony Soundforge, Amoeba Records, Magisto, Guinness, CharityFocus.org, Google, Eastwood Guitars, Coming Up Magazine, Music Venues and Art Galleries, Oasis CD Manufacturing, Zero Magazine, Artists Sunday and more.


Check out songs at https://ukbloke.bandcamp.com and

Sample academic writing at https://www.specialagenttraining.cfsites.org

Shirts: https://www.teepublic.com/user/backline

For more information see https://www.ripstar.cfsites.org

Insta: ripstarsf

About the Music Label:


Request a story or correspond: ripstarrob@gmail.com

Paypal taxed services /contributions to: bandsthatrock@gmail.com










Ms. Lee, we applaud your service!

Barbara Lee 13 District (Currently, the 13th district consists of the northwestern portion of Alameda County. Cities in the district include Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, Piedmont, and San Leandro. With a Cook Partisan Voting Index rating of D+40, it is the most Democratic district in California.)

Congresswoman Barbara Lee has been representing California’s 13th District since 1998. She is the highest ranking African American woman in Democratic Leadership, serving as Co-Chair of the Policy and Steering Committee. She also serves on the Budget Committee and the powerful Appropriations Committee, which oversees all federal government spending.

Her platform of issues includes; Poverty, Healthcare, Human Rights in the Caribbean, Civil Rights, Economy/Jobs, Energy and Environment, Global Peace and Security, Gun Violence, Immigration, LGBTQ+, Seniors, Veterans, and Reproductive Justice. For more please see: https://lee.house.gov