Equilibrium Institute- Delivering Core Intelligence

Apathy is not consent, it's the demand for Empowerment  

Early History Right to Know/ Chemical Warnings

     Doctor Rachel Carson, often hailed as one of the most important founders of the Green Movement in the United States, went into detail about the structures, relationships, and problems caused by several of the commonly accepted poisons manufactured during the 1940’s.  In her book Silent Spring, she makes a clear case that leading decision-makers have subjected the planet to horrific assaults without informing and gaining the consent of the masses, whom remain mostly ignorant that they are in even in harms way (Carson, R. 1962). 


     In the same tradition of alerting the public of incredible dangers resulting from toxic threats, Dr. Helen Caldicot raised many valid concerns in her book, Nuclear Madness, that chemicals originally developed from WWI and WWII funded research projects are now being placed in a variety of food, dental, and consumer goods (Caldicot, 1994). 


     In many countries, including the US, chemicals are used with little and sometimes no advance valid and or reliable investigations of their effect on soil, water, wildlife, and humans.  Concerns over the lack of integrity exercised by people developing, manufacturing, testing, rating, and or disseminating or otherwise managing toxins is often voiced by victims who are left to suffer the consequences. For example, Cesar Chavez from the United Farm Workers Union, along with many other workers and activists, revealed and demonstrated over the unhealthy working conditions that eventually linked pesticide exposure with higher cancer rates, higher rates of birth deformities, observable damages in immune systems, and deaths due to exposures to toxic pesticides being applied to crops in California during the 70’s and 1980’s (Tejada-Flores & Telles, 1997).  Today you can see people in space-looking suits working on farms.   While measures to prevent immediate toxic exposure may be in place, incidence such as rape are reportedly a huge problems on farms and latent toxic exposures continue to compound and create significant workplace safety issues and concerns for consumers exposed to chemicals. Furthermore the genetic alterations of seeds and chemical applications on crops is alarming because the cumulative effects of toxins are known to cause a variety of health conditions and also can impact the development of life, especially the early stages of life.  A recently defeated measure calling for packaging or labels that would at least inform consumers here in California if the food is anything, but natural, was a huge lose nationally since California is often a trend setter. This loss paves the way for increased exposure to toxins without a duty to inform.  Furthermore, ironically, many foods actually labeled natural do contain man-made chemicals known to be harmful to health.  The assault on the genetic code is therefore pervasive and choice in avoiding chemicals continues to narrow.      

      Back in the 1960’s, Dr. Carson wrote, "We have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm (Carson, 1962 )."  She argued that producers and consumers of toxins have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons without their consent and often without their knowledge.” In the words of Jean Rostland, "The obligation to endure gives us the right to know." 
     There is disagreement in the scientific community about the rate of destruction and ramifications of some alarming types of damages including extinctions and temperature fluctuations (global warming) associated with to the depletion of ozone in the atmosphere and humanities encroaching growth into wild habitats.  In fact, some scientists suggest the possibility we have already exceeded the point of maintaining key, yet disputable natural equilibrium’s.  With little prior record before the 1900’s of extinctions and mutations and a reliable crystal ball, it’s difficult to say how much harm and what the end result of man’s footprint will actually be.  However, the premise that the abuse and mismanagement of natural and non-renewable resources presents significant and avoidable suffering is readily agreed by the majority of concerned scientists in diversely impacted fields.  In fact, earth scientist forecast scenarios may occur requiring the use of chemicals to patch the growing loss of ozone to slow the earths warming.  Large scale weather interventions, and questions regarding the role of technology in reducing suffering and solving problems largely created by the use of technology presents an ironic paradox (NPR Feb 2014.)    



Impacts of Contamination- Large Scale

     The contamination of air, earth, rivers, and the sea with man made toxins initiates  chain events observed by scientists and researchers as being hazardous to the natural balance due to damages to earth’s diverse ecosystems.  For example, it is becoming common to see posted signs warning people not to drink untreated water or eat wild caught fish, which was not an issue less than six centuries ago, except maybe period of natural epidemics. When a habitat becomes contaminated, it impacts migrations and or relationships between the different species that would otherwise exist in harmony.  For example, when Oak trees are healthy many dependent species thrive near it. When Oak trees are diseased, the entire web of species once reliant on them is thrown into disarray and dominant insects or species could take over when one is eradicated. The mutually advantageous relationships (symbiosis) that exists between the trees and other species dissolves and the shifting balance can presumably disturb hundreds, if not thousands of other relationships within an ecosystem. 


     When ecologists talk about imbalances caused by a rapid growth and decline in a single species, what often is not fully grasped by non-specialists is the type of chain reactions that will result as a consequence or extinctions or imbalances in species.  In fairness, in many circumstances even the top scientist in the field do not fully know the answer to that question, but they can and do report on the perceived damages and damages reasonably predictable.  Unfortunately, the disaster sites from common Oil spills and other toxic sites like nuclear accident sites have provided some ground upon which observations and research has been made to illustrate valid concerns- not just projections offered by spectators, critics, or scientists.  Time after time lawsuits tell the somber tail of the price paid by victims of toxins, which is generally far greater than the damages they collect. 


     The inability or sometimes unwillingness to provide sustainable habitats for species encroached upon by growing human populations or other species is a factor to consider when considering the problem of increasing rates of extinction and biodiversity. 


     It is horrific that toxins interrupt symbiosis (mutually beneficial relationships) cause genetic mutations and impact biomes.  The fascinating history of disease (pathology) is tied closely to what is happening within environments.  Premises of biomass ratios against carbon dioxide emissions that estimate the cleaning power to render polluted air clean is breath taking, literally.  New satellite technology will allow us to observe if the biomass content on earth is in decline, which by many scientists accounts it is.   Correlations such as rising pollution levels and growing populations turning to less clean industrial processes to sustain themselves would be justifiably alarming if sufficiently substantiated.  Can biomass reduction and increases in illness be correlated?   If so, how can such information help make the case to respond with reasonable controls and limits on the use of technology?


     The cause of many diseases and abnormal behavior illnesses are directly correlated to human behavior.  For example, the removal or degradation of naturally correlating minerals and nutrients in food, reliance on certain types of polluting fuels, consumer waste production patterns and war are all behaviors massively contributing to the spread of disease including abnormal behavior illnesses.   The Sue brothers  (Sue et al., 2000 pg. 14) cite a study of over 20,000 people between three cities, that 29- 38% self-reported that they believed they have experienced some form of mental disorder in their life already.  Teratogens (Rice, 2001) are “harmful substances that cross the placenta barrier (in development) and harms the embryo or fetus and causes birth defects.  Alcohol, drugs, and other chemicals foreign to human bodies are teratogens with wide ranging impacts to physical and mental health depending on the stage of develop and extent (rate+duration) of exposure.  Post birth, toxins are described as harmful substances that harm life and degrades, impairs or outright kills life.  However, the control of substances and efforts to extinguish addictions, reliance, and poisonous fetishes is a highly controversial topic. The subject of control versus allowances of toxins competes with dominant business interests, jobs even, which rely on toxin processes and or produce products containing toxins.  Thus, it is easy to anticipate people will retreat in denial because of how difficult the subject matter is to manage and how horrific the facts regarding the allowed deaths and damages were permitted for the sake of profit under the rationalizations given, such as convenience. 

     Observations cited in intelligence reports (FBI, 2011) described the U.S.as suffering increases in drug imports and observed rises in corruption (CIA , 2012). Those are clear indications that the west and its allies and opponents face new and perhaps less predictable challenges.  It is no secrete that human being are very inconsistent, irrational, biased and impulsive- making people highly unreliable.  Self destruction is at times more popular than preservation and the reliance on instinct versus reasoned logic makes even those that possess knowledge vulnerable to the status of the mass majority.  Hence a truly prosperous society does not concentrate wealth, rather it shares it.  

     The spread of viruses from one region to another during human migrations, the introduction of a non-native species into an environment, the manufacture of lab grown hybrids in a variety of bacteria, fungus, plants have all been noted as disrupting ecosystems and impacting immune systems- for better or for worse. The argument that nature should not drastically be altered is no longer relevant because it already has been.  The manipulation that has occurred is a consequence of human nature.  The need to minimize and reduce harm where possible is part of the solution.  Indeed if the science of non-violence was mandatory, the behavior of disciplined minds may be a resource to combat violence or defuse it.       

     Understanding environmentally related illnesses along with the ability to observe and track them have grown exponentially over the last centuries with noted advancements in technology and meta analysis. According to many leading Scientists, humanity is marching towards intensifying problems ranging from population growth, global warming, nuclear proliferation, resource scarcity, and a huge acceleration in environmentally related diseases and challenges.  It seems naïve to imagine the earth has no limits or serious consequences and can simply withstand tremendous pressures from growing human populations that appear to be living increasingly wasteful and destructive lifestyles.  To assume humanity has no responsibility to manage our impacts on the earth is self destructive and irresponsible.  
     The notion of human superiority over nature is anti-democratic and a threat to justice because without opportunities for symbiotic relationships the basis upon which peace or equilibrium stands is corrupted and disintegration of mutual reliance is immanent.   T
     The domination against the earth stems in part from traditions of Europe, and now the U.S.  Those mimicking capitalistic or Christian values and lifestyles are attributed directly to Christianity and are traceable to a concept demonstrated in a passage in the holy bible Genesis 1:28 which reads, “God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth" (http://biblehub.com/genesis/1-28.htm , 2013.)   In contrast Native people from many continents and people such as scientists and people of multiple faiths, including Christians, have also offered reasonable warnings that exploitation and destructive behavior should be limited.  For life to be sustained and diversity respected, it is acknowledged that a more cooperative attitude and a stronger sense of stewardship is needed. Placing a cap on specific human behaviors requires adjusting tolerances and really backing out enforcement agencies.    
     Many environmentally related diseases are related to human consumption and lifestyles including; water issues, war activities, human sexuality, transportation, food production, pest control issues, chemical dependencies and waste bi-products from manufacturing all of which are driven by consumer demands and private interests.  If those interests and demands are not in harmony with the laws of nature, what we do unto the earth, we do unto ourselves (http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/331799.Chief_Seattle ).  Dr. Van Potter refers to this as the symbiotic interdependencies found in nature (Potter, V.R., 1971 ).  James Lovelock shares a similar notion in his ideas contained in the Gaia Hypothesis, which basically expresses what many traditional people attribute in their oral histories about the living relationships between all things as having a delicate and natural order to be revered and the role of humanity as being stewards (Lovelock, 1979 ). John McConnell, founder of the internationally recognized annual holiday Earth Day, said he was motivated to create a holiday to help focus needed attention on the status and maintenance needs of the earth.  Earth Day is a great tool to increase awareness and reinforce an appreciation for life.  With the help of United Nations educational awareness decade long programs, the awareness of the Environment has rapidly increased.  Such campaigns evidence that education does help to motivate people to get involved in developing solutions. 


Further Questions

     The public is subjected to the tolerances of toxins established in studies to determine safe and less safe levels of toxins.   Do people assume they are being protected by the government and industry professionals that work with toxins?  The problem with  tolerances is that each person’s immune system is different and our individual tolerances are unique.  This is why some people get sicker faster than others or have more acute symptoms or more severe reactions to the same exposures.


     This difference in tolerance is best illustrated by the vast array of side effects people experience when taking medications.  While medications often present a beneficial trade off which is sometimes unavoidable, many toxins are avoidable and the benefit far less important than the dangers presented by the use of the toxin.  In simple terms, not everyone needs a car, a computer or TV, and plastic toys.  Waste control is related directly to living within reasonable means.  Granted reversing negative trends over the last several hundred years of human history to mitigate behaviors largely motivated by instant gratification needs and returning society to a state of more harmonious living seems almost too naïve to contemplate.  Yet not managing to lean more towards natural living and respecting the homeostasis needed to survive leaves a bitter reality that a few bad apples rapidly accelerating tremendous destruction may be permitted to contaminate the barrel.  The masses on this earth must effectively adopt healthier lifestyles and drive out destructive unsustainable cycles. 


     The deeper toxic based industries are examined, the more it is apparent there is a lack of agreement about the validity of the standards to begin with regarding toxin safety. Many of the tests performed on animals are disputed, often  before and even long after damages are reasonable predictable or evident us in scientific methods and probability analysis.  


Legal Issues and Micro Aspects of Toxic Problems

     It is important to note that a primary defense toxic producers use in legal disputes is that it is nearly impossible in most cases to say a single source of contamination caused, without doubt or other influences, any specific injury. The reason that is the case may be explained by the term accumulation. 


Toxic Accumulation

    Accumulation means that toxins build up in the body and once certain thresholds are crossed a single last blow of a harmful trace element could send the body into a chain reaction where defenses tire and disease multiplies, or takes hold.  Since chemicals combine to make new unknown cocktails, detection by existing testing standards in our food and water supply is obviously inadequate.  All of this makes for a rational argument that one exposure surely should not take all the blame.  However, the circumstances should not permit the abolition of care or the denial of the acceptance of responsibilities.  For such reasons prevention, control, and personal choice remain the best ways to respond to growing threats toxins present.  However, in order to make choices the public must first be informed and locate or develop options.  


     This type of mandatory education on the avoidance of toxic accumulation and hazards in general is suited best for the Department of Education in the U.S.  Perhaps mandated health education tied to globalized health care initiatives and agreement between all nations that target preventative efforts to reduce illness and death tolls where possible is practical because toxins travel in the jet stream and in above ground and underground water currents.  Furthermore, food and consumer products travel which means waste hazards are literally on the move.     


     Dr. Rachel Carson (1964) points out that while most people are exposed to low amounts of dangerous materials that our body’s natural protection is weakened usually due to repeated and prolonged exposure.  She explains that some poisons concentrate and that built up contamination can lead to serious health defects, disease, or death.


     Furthermore, some types of toxic substances accumulate in the tissues of plants and animals and even penetrate the germ cells to shatter or alter the very material of heredity upon which the shape of the future depends. For example, in the Soviet Republic many children are being born with deformities and ill conditions as a direct result of the Chernobyl disaster. Despite this and other warning signs, nuclear technology is expanding for energy production and in many new space and weapons projects among the 5+1 Nuclear Club.  Countries like Iranand North Koreaare not in the club, nor would they waste time applying for membership when they stand opposed to capitalism and the policies demonstrated by the majority of the western world.  Increases in weapons manufactured increases the risks those weapons will be used and for accidents that will inevitably happen along the way in the development and storage of such weapons and waste products made.


Observations and Conclusions

     To get a perspective on just how huge a problem involuntary toxic exposure is in the U.S., survey the number of legal claims and taxpayer dollars spent defending the Department of Energy, the Food and Drug Administration and generally survey the number of cases filed citing violations of existing environmental regulations. In fairness, unless you have a research team the size of Texas (the largest U.S. state), it might be easier to accept my very conservative estimate that in the U.S. multi-millions a year are spent fighting legal cases involving toxins and environmental laws.  There are hundreds of cases with thousands of people impacted annually.  Actually in cases where genetics are being altered, it might be more accurate to say billions are potentially impacted.  The Federal Government reported the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency alone assessed $168 million in penalties in 2012 alone (EPA 2012).  Consider how many cases went without any detection, without official reporting or legal challenges and expand the radius to international territories to get a better sense of how vast the problem has become. In contrast, the profits reported by primary toxic producers in the U.S. and abroad including pharmaceuticals, food suppliers, defense industry contractors, manufacturers, during the same period is estimated to be in the multi billions with the bulk of the decisions being made by a relatively small group of people charged with regulating these industries and managing businesses.  If profits outweigh penalties the incentive in a capitalist market could lean towards accepting risks and continuing productions, especially in operations that lack transparency, or have centralized models of operations that involve few decisions makers.  Where errors or moral values sharply differ remedies may not be quickly implemented once significant problems are discovered.  One researcher assigned by the Japanese Parliament following the Fukishima nuclear meltdown accident in Japan observed how the cultural influences of obedience within the Japanese culture compounded and contributed to problems delaying actions to prevent and even respond to the crises.   


     The man made “toxic” problem dramatically increased when chemicals originally designed as agents of death for use on Jewish people in World War 2, were tested on insects to perfect effectiveness.  Scientists found combinations that killed insects and this helped to create a market for insect killing chemicals.  Soon bugs, weeds, and other natural entities were deemed as unfit for life because of the alleged threat to food supplies, and the spread of disease that was attributed to insect hosts or carriers. Large commercial campaigns were launched to promote the use of chemicals.  Dr. Carson asked, “How can intelligent beings seek to control a few unwanted species by a method that contaminates the entire environment and has brought the threat of disease and death even to their own kind?” ()


     The research which led to pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, deadly gasses, and the nuclear bomb, were all driven to actualize Hitler’s pledge to annihilate what he characterized were inferior races.  However, later the genius of humanity tried to transform the inventions into safer applications, but the consequences have in almost every instance proven to be grossly naïve.  The use of Nuclear technology and the many deadly chemical agents have supported Hitler’s original aim to bring about massive death and destruction to humanity at the micro-macro atomic level.  Thus, the question worthy of debate and significant actions revolves around the question of whether WWII was really properly ended and if not what we can do about it now. 


     Dr. Rachel Carson (1964) points out that many toxic problems of her age arose with the intensification of agriculture and by the devotion of immense acreage to a single crop.  Nature has great variety in the landscape, but humanity has displayed an effort to control it.  The single crop farming movement invited a condition ripe for insects, rodents, and imbalances in the ecosystem.   


     As far as competitors (i.e. insects) of our food supply goes, our own ignorance is to blame since farmers insist on single crop farming despite nature’s clear warning that we face serious consequences if we provide a large habitat for unwanted insects.  Disease carrying insects pose a serious threat to people who are crowded.  Areas with poor sanitation, disaster areas, war zones, and the impoverished suffer the most.  However, as Dr. Carson illustrates in her research, the poisons claimed to help control insect populations actually have been proven to make conditions worse.


     Dr. Rachel Carson showed (1964) that there are more cost-effective ways to manage crops. Biological controls have proven to be more effective in stabilizing insect populations that threaten food supplies. 


     Scientists confirm that insects often return in greater numbers after a brief killing off achieved by the use of poisons, but chemical industries ignore the results and often respond by advocating new chemicals despite the risks to the safety and welfare of life ( Carson, R. 1964).  Regarding the safer management of insects, Dr. Rachel Carson points out, “much of the necessary knowledge is now available but we do not use it” – like natural biological controls.  One method that works with nature in maintaining a natural check on species is to limit the amount of suitable habitat for each species by diversifying crops.  Balance in predatory conditions helps combats overpopulation of species.  Yet once imbalanced it is difficult to restore.   


     The gas chambers used throughout Europe in death camps driven by Hitler’s plight to exterminate Jews are painful reminders of how lethal chemicals were cruelly used.  Today many cases of poisonings are on record in connection with industrial handling, accidents at nuclear facilities, tests, suicides, research, and illicit chemical drug dependencies.  These cases of poisonings point to the dangers of mismanaged chemicals.  For example, Strontium 90, released through thousands of test nuclear explosions into the air, comes to the earth in rain or drifts as fallout, lodges in soil, enters into the grass, corn, or wheat grown there and in time takes up its abode in the bones of a human being, there to remain until it is freed from the deteriorating corpse (Caldicott, H, 1994). The concentration of toxins in the food chain is particularly bad for carnivores  (meat eaters).  Since the life span of toxins is sometimes thousands of years the damages of the harmful agents is difficult to estimate.  However, I would easily calculate that the number of lives saved by introducing smoking restrictions such as those introduced in the 1960’s in the U.S. and duty to inform smokers of risks is far smaller than the number of lives that potentially can be saved by taking on a broader anti-cancer initiative which includes entire classes of known harmful chemical agents.  Even that one anti-smoking initiative is attributed with saving millions of lives (National Pubic Radio Jan. 08, 2014). 


     With tons of harmful pollution annually involving many thousands of chemicals spewed into air, water, and land, (Kaufman and Franz, 1996) it is becoming a widespread emergency.  Environmentally related diseases are increasing and leaving us to face terrible problems stemming from a lack of clean water and toxin-free food.  Even organic food contains toxins if groundwater is contaminated and there are no water purifying technologies that eliminate all harmful chemicals or bacteria which is presently the case due to weaknesses in detection and what is known about mutation.  Furthermore, acid rain and chemicals used in farming and livestock processes are contaminating inputs that make food and water actually a public health risk. 


Food Engineering

     Genetically modifying seeds to enhance single crop growth is common.   There is concern this type of genetic manipulation is impacting natural processes and may be harmful to consumers and the environment.  Food additives- things alleged to stretch food- enriched foods, and so forth are also at the center of debate and in many cases not enough research has been done and it is not possible to know the longer-term effects of such tampering. However, correlations to abnormalities and illnesses stemming from genetic manipulation, such as those caused by teratogens are evident. 



Incriminating Facts And Helpful Observations About Poisons

Extracts from Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring


•Doctor Rachel Carson (1964) suggested periodic examinations of blood to make sure the cholinesterase level is not low.  Toxic exposure and this level is correlated. 


•The sperm count in men around the world has decreased about 50%, and is believed to be the result of the exposure to toxins.   

 Al Gore page xxiii. 1994


•In 1988, the EPA reported that ground water in thirty-two states was contaminated with seventy-four detected agricultural chemicals, including one, the herbicide atrazine, that is classified as a potential human carcinogen. Testicular cancer has risen approximately 50 percent. Al Gore page xxii . 1994



According to 1994 reports issued by Dr. Helen Caldicott MD in her book Nuclear Madness:


• Pro-toxin industries have strong allies in all spheres that promote misleading information and jeopardize public health.


• Exposure to a variety of poisons resulting from pollution, industrial byproducts, the manufacture of military weapons, and inefficient nuclear energy production all increasingly threaten life because toxins are known to destroy genetic material, cause illnesses, and destroy natural systems that sustain life.



·  Dr. Caldicott stated, “minimum tolerated toxin levels are above the level at which damage to the liver and other organs or tissues may begin.” 


  • Dr. Balch refers to detoxification approaches including food choices, fasting and herbal treatments in his book Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing.








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Caldicott, H. (1994 p.22). Nuclear madness. New York: Norton.

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Kaufman & Franz (1996). Biosphere 2000.Iowa: Kenhall/Hunt Publishing Co.  

Lovelock, J.E.  (1979). Gaia.  New York: Oxford UniversityPress.   

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Malgorzata I. Wiweger1, Zhe Zhao1, Richard J. P. van Merkesteyn2, Henry H. Roehl3, Pancras C. W., HSPG-Deficient Zebrafish Uncovers Dental Aspect of Multiple Osteochondromas , Hogendoorn1* 1 Department of Pathology, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands, 3 Department of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.